
01終了しました。 連携大学院制度説明会—



2023年10月14日土曜日 理化学研究所和光地区 一般公開 開催日



CBS PIとのセッション
(髙田 篤、田中 元雅、藤原 輝史、磯村 拓哉、赤石 れい、宮本 健太郎)

Zoom ミーティング
ミーティング ID: 915 6783 5108
パスコード: RgUk6dyaRY

時間 内容 形式
9:30AM–9:45AM Welcome Session online (Zoom)
9:45AM–10:45AM Meet-ups with 7 PIs Zoom breakout room
11:00AM–12:00PM Meet-ups with 7 PIs Wako campus

認知睡眠学理研白眉研究チーム 玉置チームリーダーは別途以下の時間開催

時間 形式
9:00AM–9:50AM online (Zoom)
10:00AM–10:50AM Wako campus





Check our labs

髙田 篤
#Psychiatric disorder #Genomics #Epigenetics #Statistical genetics #Animal models
In our lab, we leverage cutting-edge technologies to explore the molecular pathology of neuropsychiatric disorders. We aim to redefine their diagnostic framework and develop new diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive approaches through the findings from our research.
Join us in advancing neuropsychiatric disorder research and revolutionizing clinical practice!
玉置 應子
#Sleep #cognition #Learning #Dreaming
Why do we think and behave the way we do? Accumulating behavioral evidence shows that the sleeping brain plays a critical role in our thoughts and actions. We develop and integrate various neuroimaging (3T and 7T MRI), physiological (EEG), and psychophysical techniques to elucidate the fundamental role of the sleeping brain in human cognition and behavior.
If you want to understand the roles of human sleep through a multidisciplinary approach, join us!
田中 元雅
#Protein aggregation #Amyloid #Neurodegenerative disease #Neuropsychiatric disease
We study neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases using various techniques of neurobiology, genetics, chemical biology, and structural biology. We aim to understand amyloid formation, disaggregation, and propagation both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we are keen to develop innovative proteomics and genomics technologies to decipher cellular aging and aberrant mRNA translation in neuropsychiatric diseases. Join our research!
藤原 輝史
#Motor control #Multisensory integration #Sensorimotor integration #Neurophysiology #Drosophila melanogaster
Imagine how effortlessly we reach an arm to grab a cup. Because the cup’s shape/location and our body’s condition are never identical, this seemingly simple motor task requires sophisticated brain computation. Fine motor control is necessary even for small insects to survive in a complex environment. By leveraging advanced tools in fruit flies and original behavioral paradigms, we will reveal neural mechanisms of adaptive motor control.
磯村 拓哉
#Learning theory #Bayesian inference #Neural network #Theoretical neuroscience #Free energy principle
Biological organisms recognise the surrounding environment by optimising their internal representations or hypotheses about how the hidden dynamics and causes generate sensory inputs—and they optimise their behaviour to adapt to the environment by sampling preferred inputs, thereby increasing the probability of survival and reproduction. Our research aims to mathematically express universal characterisation of their intelligence in terms of biologically plausible neuronal circuits and synaptic plasticity rules. We are especially interested in understanding of the superiority of biological intelligence over existing artificial intelligence.
赤石 れい
#Decision Making #Social Network #Foraging Theory #Behavioral Economics #Trust
Our lab unites decision science, including neuroeconomics, behavioral economics, and psychology. We extend these principles from individual decision making to group and societal levels using big data analysis techniques from collective behavior research. Our goal is to enhance scientific understanding of humans and design sustainable social systems, ultimately benefiting society and creating positive global impacts. Join us in this exciting research journey to create meaningful value for people worldwide.
宮本 健太郎
#Decision making #Imagination #Metacognition #Primate #Functional neuroimaging
In daily life, we constantly make decisions amidst ever-changing environments and human interactions. To make better decisions, introspection (conscious self-evaluation) and sympathy (understanding others‘ will) play crucial roles. Our team explores brain mechanisms involved in prospective decision making in primates, including humans. Our aim is to uncover how our “self-awareness” and “imagination for others” are formed, contributing to a deeper understanding of human cognition.
